Deployment Actions

Various actions can be taken on Deployments from within the Service -> Deployments tab and clicking on the three dots at the end of a previous deployment.

Screenshot of Deploy View


Rollback to previous deployments if mistakes were made. To perform a rollback, click the three dots at the end of a previous deployment, you will then be asked to confirm your rollback.

Screenshot of Rollback Menu

A deployment rollback will revert to the previously successful deployment. Both the Docker image and custom variables are restored during the rollback process.

Note: Deployments older than 2 weeks cannot be restored via rollback due to Railway's 2 week image retention policy.


A successful, failed, or crashed deployment can be re-deployed by clicking the three dots at the end of a previous deployment.

Screenshot of Redeploy Menu

This will create an new deployment with the exact same code and build/deploy configuration.

Note: To trigger a deployment from the latest commit, use the Command Pallette: CMD + K -> "Deploy Latest Commit". This will deploy the latest commit from the Default branch in GitHub.

Currently, there is no way to force a deploy from a branch other than the Default without connecting it in your service settings.


Users can cancel deployments in progress by clicking the three dots at the end of the deployment tab and select Abort deployment. This will cancel the deployment in progress.


If a deployment is completed, you can remove it by clicking the three dots at the end of the deployment tab and select Remove. This will remove the deployment and stop any further project usage.

Restart a Crashed Deployment

When a Deployment is Crashed, it is no longer running because the underlying process exited with a non-zero exit code - if your deployment exits successfully (exit code 0), the status will remain Success.

Railway automatically restarts crashed Deployments up to 10 times (depending on your Restart Policy). After this limit is reached, your deployment status is changed to Crashed and notifying webhooks & emails are sent to the project's members.

Restart a Crashed Deployment by visiting your project and clicking on the "Restart" button that appears in-line on the Deployment:

Screenshot of Deploy Options

Restarting a crashed Deployment restores the exact image containing the code & configuration of the original build. Once the Deployment is back online, its status will change back to Success.

You can also click within a deployment and using the Command Palette restart a deployment at any state.

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