
Refunds are for new customers who no longer wish to use Railway after initially trying it out. Railway offers refunds at its sole discretion, in line with our Terms of Service.

Requesting A Refund

You can request for a refund in Account -> Billing under Billing History:

Screenshot of refund request button inside Account -> Billing

If you do not see a refund button next to your invoice, you are ineligible for a refund. This decision is final and we are unable to issue refunds for invoices that have been deemed ineligible.

After a refund is issued,

  • It may take up to 5~10 business days for the refund to be processed and reflected in your account
  • Your subscription may be cancelled immediately by us
  • Your services may be taken offline immediately

If you'd like to stop using Railway, please remove your projects and cancel your subscription immediately. See "How do I view/manage/cancel my subscription?" for further information.


Why was my refund request denied?

Refunds are issued at our sole discretion. If your refund request was denied, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your invoice contains resource usage costs. We generally do not issue refunds for resource usage, as those were resources you have consumed (in a manner akin to how a utility company charges for electricity or water)

  • You have received a refund from Railway in the past

  • You have violated our Fair Use Policy and/or Terms of Service

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